Nov 3, 2009

More Comics!

I'm continuing fellow author Natalie's post by providing you with another dose of comics. Huzzah!

The first is Piled Higher and Deeper, or PhD comics. It's about grad students working towards their doctorates. Although the library students on this blog aren't PhD students, the comic is eerily accurate for those of us (like myself) who work as research assistants. And I actually found out about this webcomic through a library, so that makes it even more relevant, somehow.

The second and final offering for today is actually just a not-so-safe-for-work storyline within a larger not-so-safe-for-work webcomic: Diesel Sweeties took a brief if entertaining trip into the land of sexy librarian stereotypes. Hello, Library Anne!


S. said...

Wow, I TOTALLY don't ever want to go for a PhD now. ; )

These are great!

Katy said...

I totally could have used Anne's line back in our ballet days: "You think this bun is an ACCIDENT?!"