Oct 31, 2022

My mom found this and it's still live and I have an update after 9 years so.....wow!

In my last post (2011!!!) I said I no longer had a job as a top secret archivist. It was due to having too many foreign national in-laws in my life, and at the time I blamed Edward Snowden. But get this: they CHANGED THE RULES THREE MONTHS LATER and on the day I was about to accept a different not-so-cool job I got a text from my old boss asking if I wanted to come back. Of course, I thought he was joking because there was a lot of that around the issue of my having been let go because of foreign national in-laws because STUPID. So guess what--I've been a top secret archivist THIS WHOLE TIME. And it's been the best job I could ever have asked for, with a lifetime of work, amazing projects, opportunities to learn anything I ever wanted, chances to experiment with things like digital forensics and building exhibits, and damn good pay.......I mean, no joke--it has been AWESOME. 

So all you gonnabe librarians out there: keep your minds open 'cause you never know where you can go with a library degree, or what can make you happy, fulfilled, and feeling proud. Even if you can never talk about it!

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