Apr 13, 2010

Happy National Library Week

April 11th-April 17th is National Library Week, so I expect you all to get celebrating!

This year, National Library Week culminates a local PR stunt game of library-based "Clue." Not in a fun board game way, but in a grueling "collecting cryptic fortune cookie clue statements" kind of way. Now, I am all about this game. I love solving puzzles. Unfortunately, none of our patrons seem to care.

So now I ask: what is it the public wants in a PR stunt, precisely? Is it strippers? Please say it's strippers.

I've got a stripper pole ready and everything.

1 comment:

S. said...

Without strippers, a PR stunt is worth bupkis!

Oh, and by the way: ROTFLMAO!!! Too funny!