Nov 25, 2009

On the Subject of Thanksgiving

My family is wisely celebrating Thanksgiving on Saturday this year, as it's much better for everyone's disparate schedules to do our fooding in a weekendly fashion. So I'm heading homeward early tomorrow morning for some well-deserved, (not-quite-)total relaxation. Alas, coursework and projects follow me even to the sacred ground of Home.

I am always unduly excited about this holiday in particular. The weather is crappy, it's dark all the time, and school is just heading into the hectic final stretch: it can leave a person of average good cheer feeling like so much wet cardboard. But just then, along comes Thanksgiving with warmth and light and family and enough saturated fat to ensure a safe hibernation. It is a needed boost to help us remember what we have even during gray times.

For those not in the know, Thanksgiving is a noble and illustrious American tradition. Allow me to provide you with an illuminating diagram.


I wish you all warmth, comfort and ample foodings, and I invite you to use this occasion to reflect upon all the things you are thankful for this season.


S. said...

Thanksgiving on Saturday? That's BRILLIANT! And I love the illuminating diagram. And the phrase "ample foodings." Love the post--have a great Thanksgiving!

Katy said...

I don't know about Thanksgiving day being moved around like a picked-over turkey carcass, but I love the word"weekendly." And the concept of the T'day fats serving a noble purpose! Happy Thanksgiving - on whatever day you happen to be celebrating it. :)

Becky said...

So well said and the honest tone is very refreshing. Love the classic turkey drawing too.