Nov 23, 2009

Eco, the Louvre, and lists

Did Umberto Eco miss his calling as a librarian? Okay, I doubt it, but Gonnabe Librarians might like to see what he has to say about lists and Google searches. The title, but it's a direct quote, so we'll excuse it, won't we?

We Like Lists Because We Don't Want To Die


Nicole said...

I think Eco did miss his calling as a librarian! "The Name of the Rose" is proof.

Also, I heart Eco like whoa.

Anonymous said...

"If you interact with things in your life, everything is constantly changing. And if nothing changes, you're an idiot."

Brilliant man. <3


Katy said...

I want to walk down that 70-meter hall of literature! And pocket a few books along the way... think he'd notice?